2San, a global supplier of high-quality innovative healthcare products and solutions, is partnering with the nation’s largest online pharmacy, Pharmacy2U, to enable more people across the UK to have access to rapid self-diagnostic tests. Together the businesses hope to support a faster diagnosis process which will enable consumers to decide the next, most appropriate step to take with their health.

The partnership will see 8 self-diagnostic tests available across the Pharmacy2U website from 17th July. The full range will include:

2San Bowel Health Test (Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
2San Vitamin D Deficiency Test
2San Iron Deficiency Test (Ferritin)
2San Stomach Ulcer Test (H.pylori) Test
2San Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Test
2San Thyroid Test
2San Early Pregnancy Test
2San Covid Test

The demand for readily available at-home tests has grown both in the UK and globally, with nearly half of all consumers having used one previously. This is supported by the latest market research predicting the global at-home testing market size is estimated to surpass $45 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2022 to 2031.


Patients are aware, however, of mounting pressures on the NHS services. Concerningly, this is leading 25% of people not going to see their GP in order to avoid ‘wasting time’ with perceived smaller issues. For 15% of people, however, ignoring medical symptoms and not seeking advice leads to the issue worsening – which is why there needs to be an alternative, accurate and simple solution which can guide patients as-to the best course of action should they have concerning symptoms.  By embarking on this partnership, 2San and Pharmacy2U hope to relieve pressures on hardworking NHS staff and healthcare services while putting patient healthcare and wellbeing first.

Neil Ashworth, Non-Executive Chair at 2San, comments: “We know there is a need for an affordable, accurate at-home first-step in the healthcare journey – whether that gives people the tools or confidence needed to speak to a professional, for peace of mind, or as part of managing an ongoing condition. At 2San we’re proud to partner with our colleagues in pharmacies, including Pharmacy2U, in order to continue to offer affordable, high-quality, targeted testing for common conditions, with the support of pharmacists. Not only are our tests more accessible, we strive to empower consumers to take control of their own healthcare journey, fulfilling our company aim of Better Care. Better Life.

“We also want to create awareness of- and educate people on the benefits of testing early. By testing when a patient first gets symptoms, it can lead to early detection and better health management. Prevention over reaction is always preferable, and we want to provide a helping hand in the process of initial support and onward care by expert healthcare professionals.”

Adam Henderson, Senior Category Manager at Pharmacy2U says: “Pharmacy2U are delighted to be partnering with 2San to bring affordable self-diagnostic tests to the market to empower our customers to take control of their health and wellbeing”
