A selection of printed T-shirts and other products with original, nature-positive artwork by EcoSoulfully

EcoSoulfully Founder asks: What would happen if we focused on positive messages about the natural environment?

EcoSoulfully have launched their nature-positive artwork T-shirts, clothing and other items, to celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June 2024.

Kathryn Newey, the founder, describes the artwork prints on the T-shirts and products as “a unique collaboration between human creativity and AI-ingenuity, expressing love for animals and nature, and shining a powerful light, when you wear the T-shirts, on important issues about wildlife and the natural environment, aiming to spark conversations and inspire nature-positive action”.

The EcoSoulfully range includes organic cotton T-shirts, other clothing items, tote bags, tea towels and aprons, recycled paper notebooks, and mugs – all with original, and often striking printed designs illustrating different environmental issues. These include protection of bees, insects, hedgehogs, elephants and other wildlife, rewilding and natural gardens, reduction of plastics in the ocean and bycatch, conservation of trees, and respect for the healing power of plants. Wearing these printed T-shirts and other items offers animal lovers, nature lovers, natural gardeners, environmentalists and activists an opportunity to harness the ‘power of their apparel’.


Most of the artwork focuses on highlighting the natural beauty and miracles inherent in wildlife and nature, rather than negatives, reaching people on a subliminal level. So, instead of using direct messages like ‘stop killing bees’, many of the eye-catching designs aim to remind people of their innate appreciation for nature and emotional connection to it, which Newey believes is potentially a more powerful driver of behaviour change.

Newey comments on the potential irony of AI helping to craft artwork which encourages greater connection to nature. “Sure, the irony is there,” she says, “but isn’t art meant to get you to stop, feel an emotional connection to something, and ask questions?” She explains that for her messages, art is the medium and AI is the tool, but ultimately, design decisions and creativity rest with her. She must first dream up and visualise the designs, then describe these in detail as prompts to the AI image creator, and this can involve numerous attempts and image editing before she is happy with the design outcomes.

“The creative process and resulting artwork should be surprising as well as beautiful, and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised by the unexpected results that AI presents. For example, for my bycatch-aware design, I wanted an image of a turtle, dolphin and fish surrounded by a net and swirling waves, and I was amazed with how the AI had interlaced the shapes of the net with the cellular patterns on the turtle’s shell.”

EcoSoulfully printed T-shirts and other products are sustainable and eco-friendly:

  • Organic cotton T-shirts and fabric products, reducing their impact on the natural environment
  • ‘Print-on-Demand’, so only printed when customers order them, minimising waste
  • Printed with low-waste, non-animal derived inks, in a renewable energy powered factory, and delivered in plastic-free packaging
  • Part of a ‘Circular Economy’, in that organic cotton items can be returned at end of life to be recycled into new clothing and resold, and notebooks are made with recycled paper and recycled plastic

EcoSoulfully printed products are priced from £15 each plus postage, and can be delivered to most countries worldwide from the UK.

EcoSoulfully was started by Kathryn Newey, who is also a teacher of adults, a life coach, and an author of environmental novels for children. “Love of animals and nature has always been in my DNA, and I firmly believe that people need to be reminded they share a deep love and respect for nature which is embedded in their hearts and souls. This might just be the strongest positive catalyst humans need to change our habits and live more in tune with nature, so we and all other beings survive on this beautiful planet.”

Kathryn Newey
Sustainable, eco-friendly printed T-shirts and other items with beautiful, unique art designs that express love for animals and nature, shine a light on important issues about wildlife and the natural environment, and celebrate our connection to nature, giving wearers a way to harness the power of their apparel, spark conversations and inspire nature-positive action.