Photo by CadoMaestro

As the world gradually returns to normality after Covid, the buzz of office life is reawakening. People are craving the social interaction and collaborative energy that only an office environment can provide. According to a recent article, employees are now working back in offices more than from home. This resurgence emphasises the importance of physical workspaces in fostering team cohesion and creativity.

However, for businesses contemplating the expansion of their office spaces, there are several factors that need to be considered. Let’s delve into some key considerations that can make or break the success of a productive office.

Design And Layout

The design and layout of your office space can greatly affect the productivity and morale of your team. Gone are the days of boring work cubicles; today’s offices favour open plan layouts. This helps to promote teamwork and transparency. It is extremely important for businesses to invest time and resources into crafting a space that aligns with their culture and workflow requirements.

For example, Google’s office design is very playful, colourful and fun. Being donned with the term of “adult playground”, you may not want to be as extravagant with your office design but the principles behind it remain the same. Consider the design elements of being well lit, airy and spacious. Ensure all furniture is comfortable and ergonomic. Do not be scared to add pops of colour and artwork too. Such an environment can invigorate employees, fostering creativity and a community.


On the contrary, a poorly designed office can stifle innovation and breed discontent among staff. You want your employees to enjoy being in the space. This in turn will help to foster good mental and physical health. Therefore, careful consideration must be given to factors such as seating arrangements, communal areas and privacy zones.

Additional Bathroom Space

As the headcount in your office increases, so does the demand for bathroom facilities. Long queues and cramped toilets can sour the office experience and hinder productivity. To mitigate such issues, businesses must ensure that their plumbing infrastructure can accommodate the increased usage.

Conducting a CCTV drain survey can provide invaluable insights into the health of your property’s drainage system. Identifying potential blockages or leaks beforehand can save you from costly repairs down the line. By investing in ample bathroom space in your office, it will demonstrate a commitment to your employee’s comfort and well-being.

Break Areas

A busy office requires several break areas where employees can recharge. Whether that is taking five minutes to destress, make a coffee or eat lunch. Employees require somewhere away from their desks where they can sit down and relax. Furthermore, break areas also play a pivotal role in fostering social bonds between team members. These areas are places where friendships can blossom, and employees can create meaningful connections.

To make your break areas pleasant places to spend time. Consider incorporating features such as comfortable seating, recreational activities and wellness comforts. Additionally, installing vending machines and beverage stations ensures that employees have easy access to refreshments throughout the day.


Expanding your office presents an opportunity to increase your accessibility measures. Creating a workspace that can accommodate individuals of all abilities will improve the inclusivity of your brand. It also aligns with important ethical principles that all businesses should consider. When considering accessibility for an office, look at how your employees enter the building or other areas within the office. You may need to install wheelchair ramps or lifts within the building.

Flexible Working Solutions

Some of your employees may be returning to the office every day. However, others may not. Do you have a hybrid working element within your business? Do employees have to connect with outsourced suppliers and other teams? If the answer is yes to either of these, you will want to ensure you have the correct video conferencing and virtual meeting facilities.

Remote collaboration has become the norm in businesses worldwide. Therefore, you need to adapt to this reality. Designating areas for video conferencing and virtual meetings can ensure seamless communication between in-house and remote teams.

By prioritising employee comfort, well-being, and inclusivity, businesses can transform their office space into a thriving hub of creativity and collaboration. Ultimately, getting it right can boost your office from a mere workplace to a fantastic asset that drives business success.
