Photo by Jason Goodman

Let’s face it: websites are battlegrounds. Every click and scroll is a fight for your visitor’s attention. In this digital gladiatorial arena, the ultimate weapon isn’t a flashy banner or witty slogan but a website design that converts. But how do you craft a design that compels visitors to take action – to sign up, subscribe, or buy?  The answer lies in experimentation.

In today’s digital world, what was relevant yesterday might not relevant today.  This is where design experimentation steps in.  Imagine a scientific lab dedicated solely to dissecting what makes your website tick. Through a series of controlled experiments, you can uncover the hidden design elements that subconsciously influence your visitors and boost conversions.

Why Experiment with Design?

Think of your website as a conversation. You want your visitors to hear your message, understand its value, and ultimately respond. But if the delivery is warped or the tone is off-putting, your message might get lost in translation.  Here’s why design experimentation is crucial:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Ditch the guesswork. Experimentation allows you to gather concrete data on what resonates with your audience. No more relying on hunches – you’ll have hard evidence to guide design decisions that truly move the needle.
  • Uncover Hidden Gems: Sometimes, the most impactful design changes are subtle. Through experimentation, you might discover that a simple button color tweak or a rearrangement of elements on your landing page can significantly improve conversions.
  • Staying Ahead of the Competitors: User preferences and trends are always improving and changing. Experimentation allows you to stay agile and adapt your website design to keep pace with your audience’s changing behavior.

Design Experiments Examples: Unveiling the Hidden Persuaders

Now that we know the reason why we should experiment, let’s talk about how that should be done. Here are some design elements you can experiment with and the tools to make it happen:

  • A/B Testing: This is the cornerstone of design experimentation. It allows you to create two (or more) variations of a webpage element – a headline, a call to action button – and show each version to a randomly selected portion of your website traffic. You can identify the design element that resonates most with your audience by analyzing which variation performs better. A well-known A/B testing tool example can be the Optimizely.

Let’s put A/B testing into action:  Imagine you’re selling a productivity app.  Your current landing page features a blue “Get Started” button.  Through A/B testing, you create a variation with a vibrant green button.  You can determine which color compels visitors to click and download your app by analyzing conversion rates.

  • Call to Action Buttons (CTAs): These are your website’s battle cries, urging visitors to take the next step. Experiment with different CTA designs—size, color, text, even placement on the page. See if a bold, contrasting color outperforms a subdued one or if a clear, action-oriented phrase like “Download Now” resonates better than a generic “Learn More.”

Experiment with CTA variations: Your current CTA button reads “Sign Up for Free.” Through A/B testing, try a variation that emphasizes the specific benefit of signing up, like “Unlock Your Productivity Potential – Sign Up Today!”

  • Visual Elements: Humans are visual creatures. Experiment with imagery, including photos, videos, and infographics, to see what captures your audience’s attention and reinforces your message. For instance, consider using user-generated content or make GIFs to build trust and credibility.

Test the power of visuals:  Are you promoting a fitness program?  Instead of generic stock photos, test the effectiveness of user-generated content showcasing real people using your program to achieve their fitness goals.

  • Formidable Forms: Forms are often the final hurdle before conversion. Experiment with the length, layout, and clarity of form fields. Consider offering social login options to streamline the process.

Experiment with form design: Do you have a lengthy contact form with ten different fields? Try simplifying it to just the essential information—name, email, and inquiry—and see if this improves your conversion rate.

Conclusion:  The Experimentation Mindset

Don’t be afraid to break free from the design status quo. Embrace the spirit of experimentation and watch your website conversions soar. By constantly testing and iterating, you can craft a website that looks stunning and converts like a champion. So, fire up your A/B testing tools, unleash your creativity, and get ready to unlock the hidden potential within your website design.
