Photo by James Feaver

According to real estate experts, smoking inside the house can devalue your property by up to 29% (Yopa). Odour removal specialists can quickly restore your home to pristine condition for prospective buyers and recoup that value for you.

ICE Cleaning is a specialist cleaning company that offers cigarette smoke odour removal services. Its technicians can use non-toxic, non-abrasive cleaning solutions and industry-leading equipment to quickly remove even the most stubborn smells. They are available nationwide, 24/7.

Read on to find out more about why smoking indoors decreases the value of your home.

Why does smoking affect house prices?


Houses owned by smokers can be very off-putting to potential buyers because of the stale tobacco smell and appearance of the property, like unsightly staining and burn marks.

Many will think twice about buying and some will avoid smokers’ properties altogether. With fewer interested buyers, you are less likely to get an offer that you want.

What are the effects of smoking indoors?

Cigarette odour

When tobacco is smoked indoors, the pollutants settle on surfaces. Known as thirdhand smoke, this is what makes smokers’ smell strongly of cigarettes. Not only does it produce an unpleasant odour, it contains a number of dangerous chemicals including nicotine and formaldehyde.

Touching contaminated surfaces and inhaling the gases it releases can put you at risk of health problems including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses.

The pollutants settle like dust on hard surfaces and embed themselves deep in porous surfaces such as furniture and clothing so they can linger for many months.

Prospective buyers will not just be concerned by the smell but also the challenge of removing it. Airing out the property and using air fresheners, for example, can’t get rid of the odour – professional cleaners are required.

Buyers aware of the specific dangers of thirdhand smoke will be especially concerned about buying a smoker’s home.

Smoke stains

The nicotine in cigarettes tends to leave a yellow tinge on surfaces like walls and ceilings, and even some possessions. These stains are particularly challenging to remove and will likely require the buyer to redecorate which can be a big job depending on how many rooms have been affected.

Burn marks

Some smokers may leave cigarettes burning on surfaces instead of in ashtrays which can cause damage. There may be burn marks on kitchen worktops, for example, which are very difficult to repair. The buyer will probably have to replace them and repaint any other affected surfaces.

Bring in professional cleaners to increase your property’s value

Only professional odour removal specialists, like ICE Cleaning’s technicians, have the equipment and expertise to remove all the thirdhand smoke particles from a property.

You can find out more about the ICE Cleaning’s specialist cleaning services on its website.
