Photo by Eduardo Barrios

Among the many challenges carers face today is in having the ability to lift and move patients who are unable to stand or lift their weight to move between one place to another. This might be moving from a sitting position in a chair to the bed where they are about to retire for the night. It could be an inability to transfer their weight from a bedroom chair to the commode or from the commode to the shower.

With a shortage of care workers, it often falls on one carer to help move a patient and this is often beyond what they can physically do. Mobile hoists are made for just this reason, to move patients with mobility issues, without causing undue stress on the physical tolerance of the person caring for the patient. There are different types of mobile hoists, so it’s just a matter of choosing the type, or a couple of different types for your care home.

Three Main Types of Mobile Hoists to Choose Between

There are actually three main types of mobile hoists, and each is constructed to move a person too heavy to be lifted from one place to another. Each of the three main types of mobile hoists can be found on the NHC Group website. You will find thorough descriptions of how each functions along with other products you may need in this family-owned business dedicated to serving nursing and care homes in the UK. The three categories of mobile hoists for care homes are classified as:

  • Stationary hoists
  • Wheeled hoists
  • Ceiling lifts

Although stationary hoists and ceiling lifts are bolted to a fixed location, they are considered mobile because they function to lift and move a person from one location to another in close proximity to the hoist.


How to Know Which Type of Mobile Hoist Best Suits Your Needs

If you have patients that rarely leave their rooms because they have severe mobility issues, then perhaps a ceiling hoist or a stationary hoist would be best for them. A ceiling hoist is often affixed above a bed to help move a person from a sitting position in the bed to a chair and back again as needed. The only ‘truly’ mobile hoist would be the wheeled mobile hoist and that is best suited to move a patient in and out of chairs throughout various locations in the care home. For example, this mobile hoist would be best suited when moving a patient from a wheelchair to a shower or a commode.

Mobile Hoists Are Cost Effective

Mobile hoists really aren’t as expensive as you might think but the one factor that could increase the cost would be the installation of the ceiling hoist or the wall/floor mounted mobile hoists. However, if you have a care home you may already have maintenance personnel on staff so they could mount those types of hoists.

Whether you have one patient with severe mobility issues or several patients unable to lift themselves from a sitting position, mobile hoists take the burden off care workers who are at risk of injuring their backs if trying to lift weights above what they can handle. Do you need a mobile hoist in your care home? The answer is probably, without a doubt
