Metropolitan Formwork Help Birmingham Moseley Mini & Juniors Lay The Right Foundations And Structure For Young People

Birmingham Moseley Rugby Club Mini and Junior section have teamed up with Metropolitan Formwork, to provide coaching training equipment for the 2023/24 season.

Metropolitan Formwork is one of the Midland’s largest providers of groundworks and formwork services to a wide variety of construction companies across the UK.

The partnership between Metropolitan Formwork and Birmingham Moseley Mini & Juniors section sees all of Birmingham Moseley youth teams benefit with new coaching equipment, particularly focussed on the mini (Under 5 to Under 12) age groups.

Metropolitan Formwork’s sponsorship is the start of a new relationship designed to further deepen their roots in Birmingham and set the foundations for their continued growth in the region and beyond.


Michael Cannon, owner at Metropolitan Formwork said:

“Our business is renowned for providing exceptional service and quality for our Client’s schemes.  Birmingham Moseley Mini and Junior’s provide young people with the best possible foundations for life. Providing exercise and sporting opportunity to young people in a way which builds skills for life. It’s a perfect partnership and we’re looking forward to building on it.”

Louise Baggeley, Chair of Birmingham Moseley Mini & Junior section added;

“With over 200 young people training and playing at Birmingham Moseley Rugby Club every week; we exist not only to bring young people into the game of rugby, but also to give them the right foundations for life based on rugby’s values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship. The support from Metropolitan Formwork allows us to provide high quality equipment to all our young players and to use our other funding provide coaching in schools and the community more broadly and grow the game of rugby.”
