Hayley Sherwood, 1decision Founder and CEO.

A Stevenage-based national and international supplier of innovative educational resources to support children’s personal, social and emotional development has been shortlisted for a major national education award in recognition of its impact.

1decision, which provides interactive PSHE, Relationships and Health Education and Personal Development resources for early years and primary children in 2,000 schools in 47 counties across the UK and a growing number of international schools in 19 countries, is in the running for the Educational Resource Award – Primary at the Education Business Awards 2024.

This award category recognises “an innovative educational product or service which supports teaching and increases pupil engagement in the primary schools sector”. The winner will be announced on 12th June in a ceremony at the Leonardo Royal London St Paul’s Hotel.

Established in 2011, 1decision offers schools inspiring and engaging topic-based resources to enhance and evidence the delivery of statutory Relationships and Health Education through PSHE and wider personal, social and emotional development for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children, helping pupils to prepare for secondary education and life beyond. With dedicated resources for children aged 3-11, 1decision’s popular whole-school PSHE programme helps teachers and pupils alike navigate through modular content.


At the heart of the resources are 120 short films and animations, with alternative endings which give children the opportunity to safely explore possible outcomes for the characters based on choices and decisions, in a fun and interactive way. From fire safety and anti-bullying, dealing with grief and understanding the effects of peer pressure to road safety, knife crime and much more, 1decision covers real-life scenarios and the consequences of each decision. These are complemented by worksheets, interactive games, printable activities, assembly packs, and a newly-developed personal development transition quiz enabling teachers to assess gaps in PSHE education.

Hayley Sherwood, CEO of 1decision, said: “We are really proud of our achievements over the past 12 years and believe the longevity of our presence in primary schools is a testament to the positive impact our resources continue to have on pupils’ learning experiences. We have a long history of supporting primary schools to reach ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’ for personal development, having successfully produced a whole-school primary PSHE programme as well as an award-winning series of resources for early years children. Our mantra is to create resources which are focused on prevention, not cure, and to be shortlisted for this award is further recognition of the difference we are making.”

For educators, 1decison resources represent invaluable tools that streamline lesson planning, enhance instructional delivery, and foster a dynamic learning environment. With access to the diverse array of engaging materials, teachers can effortlessly cater to the individual needs and learning styles of their children, promoting inclusivity and maximising learning outcomes. Furthermore, they empower teachers to address complex topics, providing comprehensive support for personal, social and emotional development.

Through 1decision, children are empowered to actively participate in their own learning journey, fostering curiosity, critical thinking and self-expression. The resources also nurture essential life skills such as empathy, resilience and communication, equipping children with the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly complex world.

Amy Swinburne, a Year 6 teacher and PSHE Lead at William Ransom Primary School in Hitchin, said: “1decision has supported me hugely as a PSHE lead. It has given me lots of tools to start analysing the position of PSHE in the school and significantly reduced the planning time that staff are taking. The resources are so easy to access with prepared slides. The children absolutely love the videos and really look forward to them as a discussion point in lessons. Teachers report that they feel happy and confident when using these resources.”

“The children find the resources engaging and fun and make them think about the important things to keep themselves safe and happy,” added Hazel Lancaster, Assistant Headteacher at Purwell Primary School in Hitchin. “The lessons are all inclusive and encourage children to actively consider what they would do in many different everyday situations.”

Bianca Osobu, Head of School at Larwood School in Stevenage, commented: “PSHE is a hugely important part of our curriculum – as a special school we are working with children who may not be as emotionally advanced as their years indicate, but equally we have children who have been exposed to advanced issues at a very early age. The videos are the most distinctive aspect of the 1decision programme and they give us the opportunity to work with the children on making good choices.”
