Ethical AI trailblazer announces appointment of former Network Rail executive to drive strategy and growth 

Purple Transform, an innovative developer of AI to better human outcomes, today announced the appointment of Simon Atterwell as Chief Operating Officer. In this role, Simon will oversee day-to-day business operations whilst optimising Purple Transform’s operational capabilities to pursue new opportunities and scale existing projects.

With over 30 years of senior executive experience in the telecommunications and technology sector, Simon brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the company. Prior to joining Purple Transform, he was Managing Director at Network Rail Telecom for eight years. Responsible for the £1.3 billion budget to maintain and renew national assets and infrastructure, he led a team of over 500 technical and services experts to ensure the safe operation of the UK’s railway network. Simon also developed and executed improved telecoms support to ensure optimal performance of national passenger and freight services.

As Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Director, Simon will oversee Purple Transform’s core business functions and optimise internal processes to deliver efficiency, performance, and success for Purple Transform’s customers, from early conceptual interaction to in-life services. His focus will centre on three key areas: managing day-to-day business operations, driving UK and international growth, and championing ethical and compliant practices. Given his passion for rail, and in particular innovation to drive better safety, security, and efficiency outcomes, Simon will be sponsoring all activity focused on domestic and international rail networks and operators.


“When approached by Purple Transform, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to build on the great work my team at Network Rail had initiated to create better environmental and situational awareness across rail in the U.K.  After an enjoyable 8 years at Network Rail, I was ready for a new challenge and the opportunity was an appointment not to be missed.  I am captivated by the remarkable offerings and capabilities of Purple Transform” said Simon Atterwell, Chief Operating Officer, Purple Transform. “I am ardently committed to deploying this cutting-edge technology across various industry sectors and keenly anticipate the positive impact it can have beyond rail operations.”

“Simon is unique, he has such a creative and strategic mind which is so well structured as a result of his extensive operational experience. He is always thinking forward, so when we saw the window of opportunity to bring him on board, we seized it, especially given his innovative and impactful work at Network Rail,” said Gregory Butler, CEO of Purple Transform. “I’m thrilled to welcome Simon as another great addition to our incredible and talented team of Purple People.”
