HYLO smart locker

One of London’s most exciting new buildings, HYLO is the key to fast and easy access in, out and around the capital.

The building offers 258,000 sq. ft of premium office space across 28 floors, boasts high rise tower and large podium floors, roof gardens and new public space.

It’s served by four key London stations: Shoreditch High Street, Old Street, Liverpool Street and Moorgate.

The HYLO management team were already using EXPD’s OmniPost system for internal mail tracking but wanted to streamline the process of managing client deliveries. Integrating EXPD’s SUMMIT software and SMART parcel lockers were the ideal solution.


With 28 floors and multiple occupiers there are many courier deliveries arriving at the building for clients on a daily basis. When the first occupiers moved in, OmniPost, EXPD’s cloud hosted mailroom tracking system, was installed to manage client deliveries. Items were booked into the system by staff at reception, triggering an email to automatically send to the recipient, notifying them of their delivery.

When clients came to collect items, reception staff would have to locate the package and ask the client to sign for it on a PDA. This gave HYLO a full audit trail of every item, but did mean the client had to wait for the receptionist to be free to collect their delivery.

HYLO is smart – with full-fibre connectivity, a fully managed cyber security system and a bespoke HYLO app. To match its modern architecture and features, ExPD proposed the use of its SMART collection lockers paired with Opticon H31 mobile computers.

SMART lockers blend technology, security, safety and style in a modular, fully customisable smart locker solution.

The lockers installed at HYLO were manufactured in the UK and match the unique design of the building. They contain multiple door sizes so a range of items can be accommodated.

Once items are delivered to the building, the reception or security team can place them into the lockers.

As soon as the item has been delivered to the locker, an email notification is sent to the client containing a unique QR code.

When the client is ready to collect, they can go directly to the locker and simply scan the QR code. The relevant locker door will ping open so items can be collected.

The SMART locker system provides 100% tracking of every item sent and received by the building, with a complete audit trail and total visibility.

Seamless integration of the SUMMIT software into OmniPost, allows for new and existing OmniPost users to benefit from the locker technology.

HYLO quickly saw the benefits of 24/7 collection and streamlined mail management, giving reception staff more time to focus on their work.

Mark Stevens, Security Manager at HYLO, said: “Having the lockers has been a real game changer. It has massively reduced the amount of time my team spend managing deliveries and clients love how easy it is for them to come and collect their items. It also means items can be collected at times which previously, we couldn’t accommodate.”
