E-commerce businesses could leave a sour taste in customer’s mouths if they don’t ensure all their operations are pushing in the right direction.

As the annual Black Friday frenzy looms, it’s the time for online retailers to gear up for one of the most anticipated shopping dates on the calendar.

However, what is a seller’s dream can quickly turn into a nightmare for many e-commerce businesses, particularly small and fast-growing firms.

The culprit? Software shortcomings that cripple operations and tarnish reputations. That’s why we believe that every e-commerce retailer should consider an integrated approach for its finances in order to navigate the Black Friday surge and beyond.


At Eureka Solutions, our team of integration experts are warning online retailers now that the upcoming Black Friday and festive shopping season is poised to be particularly challenging for those who emerged during and post-pandemic, and those who do not have their systems aligned.

In the age of e-commerce, the digital tools available for accountancy, bookkeeping, customer acquisition and order tracking are indeed impressive, but are not used extensively in retail.

The problem lies in their lack of integration and communication between systems. This mismatch often leads businesses to spending valuable time and resources manually transferring critical information between different applications, defeating the purpose of efficiency and automation.

Software issues not only affect the behind-the-scenes operations but can also cause significant problems for customers. Items falsely listed as in stock or failing to meet promised delivery times can be frustrating for shoppers. These issues can deter potential customers from ever returning, equating to a disappointing customer experience.

Platforms like eBay, Shopify, and WooCommerce offer enticing tools and incentives for setting up shop, but when sales escalate, so do the complexities of managing orders, invoices, and fulfilment.

We’ve developed our services with that in mind, to support businesses seeking seamless integration of the digital tools they already use. Birthed from a dedicated team of experienced software engineers, our integration tool Besyncly does just that.

This solution bridges the gap between various tools and platforms, including eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Amazon, Salesforce, NetSuite, iplicit, QuickBooks, Sage, and Xero. It eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing the risk of human error and speeding up operations and saving you vital seconds, minutes and hours on the busy Black Friday rush.

It can automatically transfer inventory information into e-commerce platforms, ensuring customers won’t face ‘out of stock’ issues. It handles real-time pricing updates, a crucial feature for e-commerce. This equips businesses to handle sudden and significant increases in orders without requiring additional resources.

Our software has already been adopted by thousands of e-commerce businesses and processes millions of e-commerce orders per month, saving clients on average £12,000 per year.

Whether it is Besyncly or not, an integration tool should be high up on e-commerce businesses’ agenda to weather future Black Friday and Christmas storms.

In a world where e-commerce is thriving, getting integration right can be the difference in ensuring that the Black Friday boom doesn’t turn into a bust.

Eureka Solutions is an award-winning business systems provider, specialising in the implementation and development of leading business software solutions, which includes Oracle NetSuite, Sage 200, iplicit and their very own integration platform, Besyncly.

Mike Hall is Head of Product at Eureka Solutions, a £5.85m firm based in East Kilbride and is one of the UK’s leading cloud software integration firms.
