Writing a dating profile

There’s a big difference between a good and a bad dating profile, and the level of dating success that they can help you achieve.

Luckily, you don’t have to be an award-winning wordsmith to write the best dating profile. With attention to detail and a few tweaks, it’s possible to create a great profile that gets you noticed, and increases your chances of dates, on Chat2date or dating apps.

Check Out The Competition

On the UK’s busiest phone chat line, Chat2date, you can easily connect with guys and girls nationwide. To stand out from the crowd, it’s a good idea to do some research before writing your dating profile.


Before you start browsing profiles of potential dating candidates, it’s essential that you check out your competition.

Imagine that you’re the opposite sex looking for someone hot to date… Take notes on profile presentation and the type of photos displayed. Remember that to write the best dating profile, you need to show off how unique and special you are.

Be Honest & Modest

The quickest way to dating disaster is to disappoint your POI when you finally meet them on a first date. If you’re honest, and modest with it, there’s less reason for a date to fail.

To make a good first impression, it’s crucial that you write information on your dating profile that is genuine and real. Be honest about yourself, what you love to do, and what’s important to you. It’s perfectly ok to admit that you’re intelligent, sassy, quirky, geeky, witty, and not perfect. Oh, and don’t lie about your age!

Be honest about your personal achievements, but be careful not to big yourself up too much. No one loves a boastful person. Write about your ambitions in life, and your guilty pleasures in an honest and engaging way.

The best dating profile is a mix of your personality and lifestyle, coupled with information about what you’re seeking. It should be written like you’re talking to a friend, but without any slang or txt spk.

Avoid Clichés

If you’ve taken the time to do some research on Chat2date, you will probably have noticed that some of the dating profiles are somewhat cliché. People who don’t have a clue what to write, are pushed for time, or don’t have the patience to present themselves in the best light, often opt for clichés on their dating profile.

Letting people know that you: “love to travel”, “like Netflix and chill”, “enjoy good food and good company”, or that your motto in life is “live, laugh, love” is not only boring and predictable, but it also speaks volumes about you…not in a good way though.

There’s nothing wrong about liking these things. You just need to avoid a cliché way of stating the obvious, if you want your dating profile to be the best it can be. Focus on writing about things you love and enjoy that are unusual or extraordinary.

It’s also wise to steer clear of cringe-worthy clichés like: “I’m new here, so be gentle”, “I’m looking for my partner in crime”” and “Deleting soon”. And there’s no place for ‘LOL” on your profile!

Be Specific

To entice someone to send you a cheeky wink or a message on Chat2date, or a dating app, you need to be specific about what you’re seeking.

Don’t be tempted to write a generic type of profile, in an attempt to catch all. While this approach may certainly be effective in bagging you a large number of responses, it will also reduce your chances of connecting with the type of person that you’re actually trying to attract.

It’s best to write specifically for the girl or guy who’s your ideal match.

Do You Like Guacamole?

Some dating sites suggest that you add an attention-grabbing headline to your profile. The header can be something funny, quirky, cute, or totally random like “Do you like guacamole?”

The element of surprise can work wonders in encouraging someone to click on your profile, and to message you.

Choose a headline that relates to the content in your profile, but don’t go OTT. It should compliment your personal details, not detract from it.

Choose Your Best Photos

The photo that you feature on your dating photo is your shop window, and the reason why you receive winks and messages. Choose your favourite up-to-date snap (not one that is 10 years old!) where you look friendly and approachable.

To stand out, pick a photo that displays something creative or mysterious. This could be the arty angle of the camera, or an interesting background location.

If it suits your skin tone, it’s worth wearing red in the photo if you’re female, as the colour that’s associated with love and passion makes men view women as more attractive.

It’s best to avoid using a photo of you with your glamorous bestie, or your ex.

And before you add a photo to your dating profile, show it to an acquaintance of the opposite sex (a co-worker will do), for an unbiased opinion. Someone who doesn’t know you well will form a first impression in the same manner as anyone browsing online. Go with the pic that gets the big thumbs up!
