Photo by Annie Spratt

In a world characterised by financial uncertainty and fluctuating markets, individuals seeking safe and reliable options for growing their money often find themselves contemplating the age-old debate: savings accounts versus shares. While both offer opportunities to increase wealth, the landscape of investments has evolved considerably in recent times. In 2023, savings accounts have emerged as a favoured choice for risk-averse investors looking to safeguard their hard-earned capital. This article explores the reasons why savings accounts have become a safer option than shares in the current financial climate.

Stability and Predictability

Savings accounts have long been synonymous with stability and predictability, and in 2023, these qualities have become even more appealing. Amidst ongoing global economic uncertainties, the guarantee of fixed interest rates and principal protection that savings accounts offer provides a sense of security that the stock market cannot match. While shares can experience significant fluctuations, even in blue-chip companies, savings accounts provide a steady and assured return on investment over time, making them an attractive option for risk-averse investors.

Protection from Market Volatility

The financial landscape in 2023 remains influenced by unpredictable market swings and geopolitical tensions, which can significantly impact share prices. Savings accounts are largely insulated from these market fluctuations, offering a safe haven for funds. Shareholders often face the risk of witnessing their investments’ value plummet during market downturns, but savings accounts remain resilient to these fluctuations, ensuring that the capital invested remains secure.

Liquidity and Accessibility

Another compelling reason why savings accounts are favoured over shares in 2023 is the accessibility of funds. In times of unexpected expenses or emergencies, having immediate access to liquid assets becomes paramount. Savings accounts allow investors to access their money quickly without incurring penalties or facing liquidity issues. Conversely, selling shares to raise funds may result in transaction fees and capital gains taxes, and the process might not be as swift as needed during urgent situations.


Minimal learning curve and simplicity

For those without in-depth financial knowledge or the time to closely monitor the stock market, savings accounts offer simplicity and ease of use. Opening a savings account requires minimal effort, and the mechanics of how they operate are straightforward. In contrast, investing in shares demands a deeper understanding of market dynamics, individual company performance, and research. For investors who prefer a hands-off approach, savings accounts are a convenient choice.

Government backing and insurance

Many countries provide government backing and deposit insurance for savings accounts. This means that even in the unlikely event of a bank failure, deposits up to a certain threshold are insured and protected by the government. This safety net provides an added layer of reassurance for investors, making savings accounts a more secure option compared to shares, which lack such safeguards.


In the ever-changing financial landscape of 2023, savings accounts have reigned as a safer and more stable investment choice compared to shares. With their predictability, protection from market volatility, accessibility, simplicity, and government-backed security, savings accounts provide risk-averse investors with a reliable option to grow their wealth steadily. While shares have their merits in potentially offering higher returns, the safety and peace of mind offered by savings accounts make them an appealing choice for those prioritizing capital preservation and financial security.
