Technology Analyst and Advisory firm, TechMarketView, today launches its fifth annual Market Readiness Index (MRI) report for tech buyers.

In “The road to AI: Mapping the readiness of the Top 10 IT & Business Process Service Suppliers”, TechMarketView analyses the ability of the UK’s largest providers* to support the AI ambitions of large end user organisations. Using its unique scoring methodology, Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, and TCS have emerged as the Leading Pack.

Kate Hanaghan, Chief Research Officer at TechMarketView said: “Our team analysed the ten largest players from all angles to understand their ability to support customers who are drowning under a tsunami of information on – and experiences of – GenAI. Our latest MRI research aims to bring clarity as buyers decide just who is the best fit for them.”

The MRI report provides in-depth scoring and profiling of the largest players in the UK market, detailing their ability to support clients on their AI journey. Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, and TCS all scored well across the board reflecting their consistently mature approach. This Leading Pack  scored above the contingent average in each of the six segments of the MRI. They scored particularly well in Partner Ecosystem and Delivery & Execution, underlining their ability to work with other tech firms to deliver outstanding services for their clients.


The MRI contains a unique scoring and analysis methodology designed to assess the ability of tech suppliers to deliver to current market needs. It is TechMarketView’s flagship research output for its Tech User Programme, which supports senior IT decision makers as they assess and select their technology providers. With most of the activity in consulting and advisory, suppliers are supporting clients as they seek to put the foundations in place for future AI projects. In terms of implementation, most of the focus is currently on pilots and proof of concepts.

Hanaghan concluded: “Whether you are a senior IT decision maker in the Public Sector or a commercial industry, the findings of our fifth MRI report should provide you with comfort. The current hype and excitement around AI, made even more feverish by the latest GenAI wave, has led many organisations to believe they are behind the curve. But the fact is that this is highly unlikely to be the case, and this remains a nascent market. What is crucial, however, is your choice of supplier and the way in which they support your AI journey.”

The Market Readiness Index scores each supplier across six segments: Corporate Resilience, Suitability of Offerings, Skills & Resources, Partner Ecosystem, Industry Offering, and Delivery & Execution. Behind each of these is a unique scoring model that generates an overall rating for the segment.

The Market Readiness Index for senior IT decision makers is available now to members of our Tech User Programme (TUP). The report is also available to purchase by non-members.
