Photo by National Cancer Institute

iEthico’s medicine sourcing tool is now certified with the Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) by ORCHA, the world’s leading digital health evaluation organisation. The platform was successfully assessed against the rigorous ORCHA evaluation process as meeting DTAC standards.

The DTAC is designed to be used by healthcare organisations to assess suppliers at the point of procurement or as part of a due diligence process, to make sure digital technologies meet the new NHSx standards for health and social care.

Expert independent assessment by ORCHA provides healthcare organisations and patients with additional confidence that iEthico’s platform meets the new standards across the five DTAC components of clinical safety, data protection, technical security, interoperability, and usability and accessibility.

Peter Shone, CTO iEthico, said
“Achieving the highest standards is key to everything we do at iEthico and we are proud to have passed an ORCHA assessment across all the DTAC components. We look forward to achieving continual compliance with the latest NHSx regulations governing health and social care” 
