In the past decade, the importance of diversity and inclusion to business has been increasingly recognised. However, are diversity programmes really effective? And which diversity and inclusion programmes are actually delivering results?

Templeton and Partners, a diverse tech recruitment agency, surveyed business leaders to find out.

Some of our findings include:

  • 68% of business leaders are currently struggling to recruit diverse professionals.
  • 30% have difficulty recruiting from racially diverse talent pools.
  • 22% struggle to recruit from wide enough age ranges.
  • Across industries, Tech is finding it most challenging to increase diversity internally, with over 80% struggling to find diverse candidates for tech roles.
  • Transport & Logistics companies are finding it almost as difficult to increase diversity, whereas Consumer/Retail businesses are reporting greater success.
  • The reasons behind the difficulties in recruiting diverse candidates, and building the diverse and inclusive culture that allows them to succeed, are many and varied. There is a significant discrepancy between the diversity of a business and how diverse a business is perceived to be by its Board