Photo by Sam Clarke on Unsplash

Tools are an essential part of the job and necessary for ensuring that all work is completed efficiently and safely. Some tools are a lot more widely used than others, and most construction workers know to carry around things like a hammer, tape measure and level around. However, there are lots of tools out there which might be considered underrated based on how they’re used.

Underrated tools are still incredibly important but often aren’t seen as essential pieces of equipment. However, carrying them could help you complete your work more efficiently and lead to better results. In this article, we’ll share some of the most underrated tools of the trade and their uses.

Rubber Mallets

If you’re already carrying a hammer around, you might think you wouldn’t need one of these. However, rubber mallets are incredibly versatile and have lots of different uses. Most importantly, they can be used in many ways that hammers can’t.

The main advantage of the rubber mallet is that it has a softer head, so you can tap things into place without applying too much force. This is useful if you’re dealing with a material that breaks easily, and it’s also good if you’re dealing with a surface that you don’t want to mark, such as soft or polished wood.


You can also use the soft head of the mallet to remove objects that are stuck due to rust, such as bolts or screws. While a hammer could potentially damage the surface of the corroded material, the mallet is a gentler alternative. In addition, mallets can be used in combination with a hammer to keep a nail set in place.

Laser Level

A standard level is a pretty ubiquitous piece of equipment that can help in a variety of different construction projects. While they’re extremely useful, there are some times when a more specialised tool is required. In this case, a laser level does everything a standard level can do while also being more useful.

Digital laser levels emit a bright laser light that can be adjusted easily depending on your needs. You can use them vertically or horizontally, and they’re capable of self-levelling to ensure you get the perfect level when completing your project. There are different types of laser levels which vary in complexity and offer more features depending on what you need.

Hammer Drill

A drill is a pretty standard tool in anyone’s equipment shed, but a hammer drill offers additional features that make it stand out. With the hammer drill, you can easily drill through just about any type of material, including concrete, stones, bricks and masonry. While a normal drill is pretty much just for wood and plaster, you can use the hammer drill in a lot of different ways.

Aside from boring holes through dense materials, the hammer drill is capable of doing anything a standard drill can, including driving screws into wood. You can find lots of different types of hammer drills, which offer different features depending on your needs.

Voltage Tester

Wiring can cause all sorts of problems at a job site, with live wires presenting a serious safety risk. When you’re working on a project, it’s important to be able to test the voltage and assess whether you need to take additional precautions. Thankfully, a voltage tester is incredibly easy to use, and in most cases, you won’t need to call an electrician onto the site.

Non-contact voltage testers are the best option, as they’re the safest and easiest to use. Ensure that the tool you buy is capable of testing at a wide range, as even low voltages could be dangerous in some cases.
