Training Sensei founder believes soft skills could get you the job you want

Training Sensei’s August boot camp programme will support the over 25’s who find themselves jobless

Manchester’s Training Sensei has launched its August boot camp programme, aiming it at the over 25’s category who now find themselves facing redundancy.

The e-learning company has seen a spike in enquiries from the North West in the last four weeks as businesses make the decision to return furloughed employees or make redundancies.

With the Governments mini-budget focusing learning and development spends at the under 25’s, the Training Sensei feels confident it can help plug the gaps in up-skilling workers in ‘soft skills’.


The online boot camp provides a daily programme that consists of short bursts of learning, 10-minute sessions that are designed to be quick and accessible. The 20-day challenge can be completed on your own or in small teams.

Soft skills include things like creativity, collaboration, persuasion, and emotional intelligence. Often overlooked as they are difficult to measure, they play a leading role in the prospects for individuals, with 83%* of new hires or promotions thought to be the result of better non-technical skills.

Keen to help the North West’s unemployed, Training Sensei’s August bootcamp will cover ‘dealing with uncertainty’ and ‘managing stress’.

Russell Groves, owner and founder of online training resource Training Sensei, believes the value of soft skills shouldn’t be overlooked by businesses as they are often the most transferable across different roles.

He said: “Many jobs today require much greater flexibility, so skills to carry out those roles have become more general and adaptable. In the modern workplace soft skills are essential, they are the foundation for effective leadership, they diversify teams and change the culture.”

Training Sensei was founded in 2019 with the vision to support individuals and small businesses with affordable training.

The game-like bootcamp is a light-hearted and social way to make learning routine. It costs just £20 and the first session kicks off on August 3rd.

Russell added: “For many people in the North West their post-lockdown work life is uncertain, and people feel insecure in their roles. Technical skills get you an interview, personal skills get you the job you want, now is the time to take advantage of learning opportunities.”

Training Sensei is a virtual training manager, providing an expertly selected range of different courses across a broad range of sectors.

To sign up for the bootcamp head to the Training Sensei website.

*Data from LinkedIn.
