Delivered Social Earns Prestigious Good Business Charter Accreditation

Delivered Social, a leading digital marketing agency with offices in Guildford and Portsmouth, is proud to announce its accreditation by the Good Business Charter (GBC). This prestigious recognition is a testament to Delivered Social’s unwavering commitment to ethical business practices, employee well-being, and environmental responsibility.

Founded by renowned retailer Julian Richer, the Good Business Charter aims to help consumers identify and support responsible businesses. It serves as a clear signpost to organisations that are dedicated to both people and the planet.

The GBC acknowledges companies and organisations that adhere to its ten key components, emphasising ethical principles and practices. Delivered Social’s accreditation signifies its commitment to:

  • Paying all directly employed and regularly contracted staff the real living wage.
  • Ensuring a fair approach to zero-hours contracts, including fair shift scheduling and cancellation policies.
  • Promoting employee well-being and prohibiting unreasonable penalties for legitimate sickness.
  • Engaging with worker representatives to ensure employee voices are heard at the decision-making table.
  • Analysing and monitoring equality, diversity, and inclusion data to address disadvantage and discrimination.
  • Reducing environmental impact and improving environmental performance through an environmental policy.
  • Upholding responsible tax practices, avoiding tax avoidance, and maintaining transparency in dealings with HMRC.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction through feedback collection and reporting.
  • Complying with the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code for responsible sourcing.
  • Signing the government’s Prompt Payment Code, ensuring timely payments to suppliers.

Jonathan Bird, CEO of Delivered Social, expressed his pride in receiving the Good Business Charter accreditation: “This recognition is a reflection of our unwavering dedication to ethical business practices. We believe that businesses have a responsibility to contribute positively to society and the environment. Earning this accreditation is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our entire team.”


As a company deeply rooted in its local communities of Guildford and Portsmouth and committed to making a positive impact, Delivered Social sees this accreditation as a milestone in its journey towards responsible and ethical business operations. The GBC accreditation serves as a clear indicator of Delivered Social’s commitment to putting principles into practice.

Jonathan Bird
Head Honcho of Delivered Social - Guildford & Portsmouth's most-rated digital marketing agency. We specialise in web design, social media and SEO and have worked with hundreds of businesses and charities to help them grow and expand their online presence.